Wednesday 29 May 2013

Go Ask Alice..well maybe I shouldn't.

What would you do if you were the main character in the story? Would you have acted differently? Why or why not?

         While reading the story, i don't believe that there was a single thing that i would do the same as the main character, Alice. She gets swallowed into a deep, dark, hole filled with sex, and drugs, but unfortunately lacks rock & roll. And the mere age of 14, she is slipped drugs at a party, but continues to hangout with this group of people, which was her first mistake. She then willingly tries many other dangerous drugs. I can understand if somebody such as Alice wants an escape, but she did it the wrong way. As the story, and her drug habit continues, she begins having sex for drugs with older men. Her parents are concerned for her, but even when she is scared herself, she doesn’t talk to them about anything going on in her life. Alice then runs away with one of her druggy friends, and begins to get her life on track. She is working full time and even opens her own boutique. Everything was going great until she goes over to a friends house, and she down spirals again. The entire story Alice is sent on an unimaginable journey which ends in her losing her life.

Miscellaneous Blog: A blessing in disguise.

            It was during the summer of 2010 when I had the worst day of my life. My nanny had caught the swine flu, and had been in the hospital for some testing. A few days later she gets a call from her doctor, who sent her to the cancer clinic. We knew right away. She was diagnosed with kidney cancer and was put on the waiting list to get one of her kidneys removed. She had it removed in December of 2010 the day that the winter Olympics began in Whistler. It took a few months for her to recover and she began chemotherapy pills shortly after. Now most of this story talks about the negative, but the diagnosis has brought my entire family together and we are all much closer than before. Fast forward a few years to present day: my nanny is now in hospice house and we are waiting for the call. The fight is over and it’s been a long, tough, journey. My nanny is the strongest, most compassionate person I know, and throughout her battle, she has taught of us to focus of the positive things. She lived each day of her life to the fullest and spent her life doing what she loved: spending time with her family. We know things won’t get better from here on, but she has left behind two beautiful daughters, who will continue to enjoy life just as she did. My family has gone through so much, and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody, but this has been a blessing in disguise. My mom is seven years older than my auntie, and they were never close. From helping my nanny, they have become so much closer and stronger than I could ever imagine. Although my nanny will not be here for my graduation, or to see me get married, or have children, she will always be with my in my heart forever.

Monday 27 May 2013

You, Me, and Chel-C

Well, I’ve been on earth for around 17 years, and I must say, they've been amazing. My life is filled with a wonderful support system of family, friends and coworkers. I was born in Penticton on October 27th 1995 at 3pm, and I’ve been stuck here ever since! My childhood was pretty relaxed, I have no siblings so I spent most of my time doing things by myself (I was, a still am very independent). My parents divorced when I was two, and my mom met my step dad when I was 5, and they are still happily married to this day. My real dad lives in Ireland (along with most of my family) so I don’t ever see or talk to him. My life from age 5-15 was pretty boring, nothing interesting really happened, I broke a few bones, but other than that I spent my days doing homework or sleeping. When I was 15, I got my first job at Skaha Pharmacy. I work with amazing people and I love learning new things every week. From a young age, I always knew I wanted to join a career in criminology, from the tender age of 4; I stayed up far past my bed time watching the X files, CSI, Criminal Minds, and multiple documentaries on the topic. Last year, I took interest in a show called Border Security: Canada’s Front Line, which follows border security officers on the job. After watching the first episode, I looked into the career, and it seemed perfect. Next year I am going to college and getting my diploma in Social and Criminal Justice. From there, I go off to training and can become a BSO. The best day of my life was on Saint Patrick’s Day last year. My parents were driving home late the night before and this little black puppy with no tags runs out in front on their car. They immediately stop and she jumps in the car (and pees on my mom). The next day, we send out notification all over town, we called the pound and the SPCA, but no luck. By this time, we had already fallen in love with her and we named her Patti. There’s been ups and downs during my seventeen years, but I live an amazing life and I am blessed to be so fortunate.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Trouble in Paradise

The quiet suburbs, only the sound of birds can be heard. I sit in the grand foyer waiting for the man I have called my husband for over 21 years. Maybe I am in a trance. This cant be real, he would never do such a thing. With the tear stained emails in hand, I hear him drive up to the house. The car door slams and my heart races as I run towards the kitchen. He opens the door and the salty tears run down my flushed face. "Honey, I’m home!" I hear as he takes off his shoes. I don’t say a word. "Sweetie where- Janet, what is wrong? What’s happened?" He walks in to the kitchen and sees my makeup smeared face.
"Jon, you know what’s wrong. Do you know what you have done to our family?" My voice tremors as I try my best to stay calm.
"Janet, what are you talking about?"
"The emails, the phone calls, everything. I know about it all. Who is she?" And I see the look in his eyes. He knows exactly what I mean.
“It was just once, I swear. It only happened once” his voice shakes as he tries to cover his tracks.
“Oh, so I must be seeing incorrectly? You're saying that even if these emails date back to last September, that it only happened once?” The fire is building up inside my exhausted body. He turns around, not knowing what to say or do. I have to get out of here, I have to leave. Sprinting out the back door not knowing what I am going to do or where I am going to go, I run over to the guest house, with Jon running after me. I close the door and see it. The shiny axe that we bring out every fall to cut fire wood.  Just as I grab it, Jon storms in with a new attitude.
“You know what? This is your entire fault. If you hadn’t of spend all your time at the country club I wouldn’t of done it.” And I take my first and last swing of the axe.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Peering into the future

Soaring through the sky, high above the city lights, all sounds like a fun time..until you collide with the air plane attempting to reach its destination. Laser vision can be entertaining, until you unfortunately see what your Aunt Elma is wearing under her fur coat that has the dingy smell of old moth balls. A true super power should be something that can contribute to society, and doesn't get you into too much trouble while doing it. Imagine seeing how things turn out in the future. Knowing that the decision you're about to make wont turn out well. Being able to save at least one person from an unfortunate mistake that could cost them their life. When the right person is given the ability to see into the future, so much more can be done to help the world. Being able to know simple things such as people's true intentions or even helping the government to make important military decisions can make the world so much better. Compared to many other super powers that could be chosen, being able to look into the future has very few negative possibilities that could happen. With a super power such as reading minds, you can see what every person truly thinks of you, which can be very damaging in the long run. Looking into the fututre has a never ending list of possibilites that can be reached to save the world, or even yourself.